In [3]:
using Random, Distributions
using Plots
using MAT
using StatsBase
using FFTW
using Roots
using Optim
# for reproducibility
function akde1d(X::Vector{Float64}, grid::Vector{Float64}=[0.0]; gam::Int64=0, verbose::Bool=true,
tol::Float64=1e-5, maxit::Int64=200)
Botev's adaptive KDE for 1d. Julia reimplementation.
--- Not fully optimized ---
Zdravko Botev (2022). adaptive kernel density estimation in one-dimension
MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved July 1, 2022.
Kernel density estimation via diffusion
Z. I. Botev, J. F. Grotowski, and D. P. Kroese (2010)
Annals of Statistics, Volume 38, Number 5, pages 2916-2957.
X :: Vector{Float64} -> data/samples
grid :: Vector{Float64} -> pdf mesh: defaults to 2^12 points;
boundaries are padded min/max of data
(optional kwargs)
gam :: Int64 -> cost/accuracy tradeoff parameter, where gam<n;
default value is gam=ceil(n^(1/3))+20; larger values
may result in better accuracy, but always reduce speed;
to speedup the code, reduce the value of "gam";
verbose :: Bool -> print iterations: default is true
tol :: Float64 -> relative tolerance for convergence: default is 1e-5
maxit :: Int64 -> Maximum iterations: default is 200
pdf :: Vector{Float} -> density values
grid :: Vector{Float} -> (spatial) mesh corresponding to pdf;
equals input grid if one is provided
# Preprocessing
n = length(X);
MIN = minimum(X);
MAX = maximum(X);
scale = MAX - MIN;
MAX = MAX + 0.1*scale;
MIN = MIN - 0.1*scale;
scale = MAX - MIN;
X = (X .- MIN)/scale;
if grid != [0.0]
ng = length(grid);
@assert ((ng != 0) && ((ng & (ng - 1)) == 0)) # ensure power of 2
@assert issorted(grid)
ng = 2^12;
@assert ((ng != 0) && ((ng & (ng - 1)) == 0)) # ensure power of 2
grid = MIN:(scale/(ng-1)):MAX;
mesh = (grid .- MIN)/scale;
if gam == 0
gam = Int64(ceil(n^(1/3)) + 20);
@assert ((gam >= 1) && (gam < n))
# Algorithm initialization
del = 0.2*(n^-0.2);
mu = X[shuffle(1:n)[1:gam]];
w = map(y -> y./sum(y), rand(gam));
Sig = (del^2).*rand(gam);
ent = -Inf;
# Begin algorithm
for iter = 1:maxit
Eold = ent;
# update parameters
w, mu, Sig, del, ent = kde_regEM2!(w, mu ,Sig, del, X);
err = abs((ent - Eold)/ent); # stopping condition
if verbose
println("Iter. Tol. Bandwidth \n");
println("$iter $err $del \n");
if (err < tol)
if iter == maxit
error("akde1d() alg. did not converge in maxit iterations")
# Output density values at grid
pdf = kde_probfun2(mesh, w, mu, Sig)./prod(scale); # evaluate density
del = del*scale; # adjust bw for scaling
return (pdf, grid)
# Utility functions for akde1d()
function kde_regEM!(w, mu, Sig, del, X)
Called by akde1d()
Update parameters
# Allocate
gam = length(mu);
n = length(X);
xRinv = zeros(n);
xSig = zeros(n);
log_lh = zeros(n, gam);
log_sig = zeros(n, gam);
for i = 1:gam
xRinv .= ((X .- mu[i]).^2)./Sig[i];
xSig .= (xRinv./Sig[i]) .+ eps(Float64);
log_lh[:,i] .= -0.5*(xRinv .+ log(Sig[i]) .+ log(2.0*pi) .+ (del^2)/Sig[i]) .+ log(w[i]);
log_sig[:,i] .= log_lh[:,i] .+ log.(xSig);
maxll = maximum(log_lh, dims=2);
maxlsig = maximum(log_sig, dims=2);
p = exp.(log_lh .- maxll);
psig = exp.(log_sig .- maxlsig);
density = sum(p, dims=2);
psigd = sum(psig, dims=2);
log_pdf = log.(density) .+ maxll;
log_psigd = log.(psigd) .+ maxlsig;
# normalize classification prob
p .= p./density;
# update
ent = sum(log_pdf);
w .= sum(p, dims=1)[:];
for j = findall(w .> 0.0)
mu[j] = (p[:,j]'*X)./w[j];
Sig[j] = (p[:,j]'*((X .- mu[j]).^2))./w[j] + del^2;
w .= w/sum(w);
curv = sum(exp.(log_psigd .- log_pdf))/n;
del = 1.0/(4.0*n*(4.0*pi)^(0.5)*curv)^(1.0/3.0);
return (w, mu, Sig, del, ent)
function kde_regEM2!(w, mu, Sig, del, X)
Called by akde1d()
Update parameters (vectorized code)
# Allocate
gam = length(mu);
n = length(X);
xRinv = repeat(X, 1, gam);
xRinv = ((X .- mu').^2)./(Sig');
xSig = xRinv./(Sig') .+ eps(Float64);
log_lh = -0.5*(xRinv .+ log.(Sig') .+ log(2.0*π) .+ (del^2)./(Sig')) .+ log.(w');
log_sig = log_lh .+ log.(xSig);
maxll = maximum(log_lh, dims=2);
maxlsig = maximum(log_sig, dims=2);
p = exp.(log_lh .- maxll);
psig = exp.(log_sig .- maxlsig);
density = sum(p, dims=2);
psigd = sum(psig, dims=2);
log_pdf = log.(density) .+ maxll;
log_psigd = log.(psigd) .+ maxlsig;
# normalize classification prob
p .= p./density;
# update
ent = sum(log_pdf);
w .= sum(p, dims=1)[:];
# find support
supp_idx = findall(w .> 0.0);
mu[supp_idx] .= (p[:,supp_idx]'*X)./w[supp_idx];
X_rep = repeat(X,1,length(supp_idx));
# (n x supp_idx)
tmp = (p[:,supp_idx]'*((X_rep .- mu[supp_idx]').^2))./w[supp_idx]' .+ del^2;
# does not require LinearAlgebra::diag
Sig[supp_idx] .= map((ind)->tmp[ind,ind], supp_idx);
w .= w/sum(w);
curv = sum(exp.(log_psigd .- log_pdf))/n;
del = 1.0/(4.0*n*(4.0*pi)^(0.5)*curv)^(1.0/3.0);
return (w, mu, Sig, del, ent)
function kde_probfun(x, w, mu, Sig)
Called by akde1d
Compute final distribution as a vector.
gam = length(mu);
n = length(x);
xx = zeros(n);
out = zeros(n);
for k = 1:gam
xx .= ((x .- mu[k]).^2)./Sig[k];
out .= out .+ exp.(-0.5*(xx .+ log(Sig[k]) .+ log(2.0*pi)) .+ log(w[k]));
return out
function kde_probfun2(x, w, mu, Sig)
Called by akde1d
Compute final distribution as a vector (vectorized code).
gam = length(mu);
n = length(x);
xx = repeat(x, 1, gam);
xx_shifted = (xx .- mu').^2 ./ Sig';
out = exp.(-0.5*( xx_shifted .+ log.(Sig') .+ log(2.0*π) ).+log.(w'));
out = sum(out, dims=2);
return out
kde_probfun2 (generic function with 1 method)
In [10]:
# mixture Gaussian distribution for testing
mixture_gaussian = MixtureModel(Normal[
Normal(-2.0, 1.2),
Normal(0.0, 1.0),
Normal(3.0, 0.5),
Normal(4.0,1)],[0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.1]);
# draw 1000 samples
samples = rand(mixture_gaussian, 5000);
histogram(samples, fmt=:png)
In [8]:
pp, meshgrid = akde1d(samples, verbose=false);
plot(meshgrid, pp, fmt=:png)
Vectorizing kde_probfun
In [6]:
x = rand(20);
w = rand(8); mu = rand(8); Sig = rand(8);
n = length(x); gam = length(w);
compare1 = kde_probfun(x, w, mu, Sig);
compare2 = kde_probfun2(x, w, mu, Sig);
@assert sum((compare1.-compare2).^2) == 0
Vectorizing kde_regEM
In [7]:
x = Vector(1:200);
w = Vector(0.5:0.5:3); mu = w.+1; Sig = mu.+2;
n = length(x);
del = 0.2*(n^-0.2);
ent = -10;
w1, mu1, Sig1, del1, ent1 = kde_regEM!(w, mu, Sig, del, x);
x = Vector(1:200);
w = Vector(0.5:0.5:3); mu = w.+1; Sig = mu.+2;
w2, mu2, Sig2, del2, ent2 = kde_regEM2!(w, mu, Sig, del, x);
@assert w1≈w2
@assert mu1≈mu2
@assert Sig1≈Sig2
@assert del1≈del2
@assert ent1≈ent2
println(sum((w1-w2).^2), "\n", sum((mu1.-mu2).^2), "\n",
sum((Sig1-Sig2).^2), "\n", sum((del1-del2).^2), "\n", sum((ent1-ent2).^2))
0.0 8.480254731125877e-30 8.272358328163931e-25 0.0 0.0