In [66]:
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
font = {
'weight' : 'bold',
'size' : 30}
matplotlib.rc('font', **font)
%matplotlib inline
import torch
from torch.autograd.functional import jacobian
from torch import tensor
We test the following (boring) function: $$ g(z) = \begin{bmatrix} \sin(z_1) \\ \sin(z_2) \\ \vdots\\ \sin(z_d) \end{bmatrix} $$
Then we have: $$ J_g = \text{diag}([\cos(z_1),\ldots, \cos(z_d)]) $$
We verify below that indeed $\log\det(A) = \text{tr}(\log(A))$
In [10]:
# highest dimension for testing
d = 64
# create data point
z = torch.rand([1, d], requires_grad=True)
f_z = torch.sin(z)
Df = jacobian(torch.sin, z).squeeze()
I = torch.eye(d)
target = I+Df
exact = torch.log(torch.det(target))
exact2 = torch.trace(torch.log(target))
print(torch.abs(exact - exact2))
Series approximation: We compute the Hutchinson trace estimator and plot the convergence as a function of series truncation order $n$. For the matrix-vector product, we sample $m=10^3$ vectors.
In [58]:
truncation_ord = np.arange(1, 200)
num_ords = len(truncation_ord)
all_errors = np.zeros([1, num_ords])
estimate = np.zeros([1, num_ords]) # n-th term in the series, cumsum should do it
m = 1000
def sample_v(n, d):
""" Generate n Radamacher vectors of dimension d. """
p = 0.5 * torch.ones(n, d)
return 2*torch.bernoulli(p)-1
n = num_ords
# accumulate matrix powers
w = sample_v(m, d)
v = w.clone()
for j in range(n):
k = j + 1
trace = 0
# update running vector w and compute estimator
for l in range(m):
tmp_v_l = v[l, :]
w[l, :] = Df@w[l, :]
trace += w[l, :]@tmp_v_l
trace = trace / m
# compute trace at level k
trace = ((-1)**(k+1))*(trace / k)
# save approximate trace at level n
estimate[:, j] = trace.item()
In [64]:
hutchinson = np.cumsum(estimate)
In [71]:
plt.figure(1, figsize=(16, 8))
plt.plot(hutchinson.T, "--", color='green', lw=3.5, label='Hutchinson Approximation');
plt.axhline(exact, color='red', lw=3.5, label='Exact');
plt.legend(); plt.xlabel("Truncation Order"); plt.ylabel("Estimated Value");
plt.title("Hutchinson Trick for Computing Log Det");
Looks alright, let's compute the relative errors.
In [76]:
rel_errors = np.abs(hutchinson - exact.item())/exact.item()
In [80]:
plt.figure(2, figsize=(16, 8))
plt.plot(np.log(np.arange(1, len(rel_errors)+1)), np.log(rel_errors), color='blue', lw=2.5, label='Hutchinson Approximation');
plt.legend(); plt.xlabel("Truncation Order"); plt.ylabel("Estimated Value");
plt.title("(Log Scale) Error Plot");
In [ ]: