
I roughly started academic service during the junior year of my undergraduate studies at UC Berkeley. The positions I have held since then include but are not limited to: TA, course tutor, tutor at other places on campus, volunteer tutor/lecturer, and mentor for projects/advising.

  • Note: For any solutions (or course material in general) you find on my teaching page, please email me or any referenced collaborator/lecturer before use. If you are a current student, please refer to your institution’s policies on academic honesty. Any comments on improvements/errata are also greatly appreciated.
CAAM 31020: Mathematical Computation IIB: Nonlinear Optimization

Graduate-level course in numerical optimization.

MATH 21100: Basic Numerical Analysis

First course in the numerical analysis sequence. I wrote solutions to homework assignments and discussion session problems.

Solutions to assignments Course worksheets
STAT 31120: Numerical Methods for SDEs
Course Reader

Graduate-level course in numerical solutions to stochastic differential equations. I helped with this course during my first year.

Solution manual (on github)

DATA 198: Applied Data Science for Research and Discovery

This was an entirely student-run course in data science with the help of DSUS (the data science department). This course can be used to satisfy one of the elective requirements for data science major. I gave two guest lectures on a data analysis case and logistic regression.

MATH 128B: Numerical Analysis
Course Reader

The second course in Berkeley's numerical analysis sequence. I did this during my last semester at Berkeley; I had a lot of fun.

Solution manual (on github)
MATH 104: Real Analysis
Course Reader

I wrote solutions and (occassionally) held office hours. This is upper-division undergraduate real analysis.

COMPSCI 61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Course Tutor

Very large CS course. This is the first challenge for students in the major. My role was roughly the same as what I did in Summer 2020.

COMPSCI 61BL: Data Structures
Course Tutor

A fast-paced version of CS 61B during the summer. I held office hours and tutoring sessions over Zoom every week. The tutoring sessions were usually me presenting some slides for 30 minutes, then students work on a prepared worksheet and ask questions.

Slides to be updated