Tensor Networks
Scalable computations with functional tensor-trains.
Functional Tensor Train Decomposition
Multivariate Interpolation with Tensor Trains
% Interpolation using TT
clear; clc
% first with a 2d function,
% % classical way without TT using the MATLAB "peaks" function
x = sym("x");
y = sym("y");
func_sym = 3*(1-x).^2.*exp(-(x.^2) - (y+1).^2) ...
- 10*(x/5 - x.^3 - y.^5).*exp(-x.^2-y.^2) ...
- 1/3*exp(-(x+1).^2 - y.^2);
% convert into handle
func = matlabFunction(func_sym);
% specify grid
stpsz = 0.1;
x_grid_arr = -3:stpsz:3; y_grid_arr = -3:stpsz:3;
[y_grid, x_grid] = meshgrid(y_grid_arr, x_grid_arr);
f_grid_coarse = func(x_grid, y_grid);
% surf(x_grid, y_grid, func(x_grid, y_grid));
% change step size to 0.05
% suppose we want to know func(x=1.35, y=-2.25) = -0.5551
stpsz_update = 0.1/2;
x_grid_arr_fine = -3:stpsz_update:3;
y_grid_arr_fine = -3:stpsz_update:3;
[y_grid_fine, x_grid_fine] = meshgrid(y_grid_arr_fine, x_grid_arr_fine);
f_grid_fine = interp2(y_grid,x_grid,f_grid_coarse,...
% surf(x_grid_fine, y_grid_fine, f_grid_fine)
% locate point on grid
x_query_ind = dsearchn(x_grid_arr_fine', 1.35);
y_query_ind = dsearchn(y_grid_arr_fine', -2.25);
% get point on f
f_grid_fine(x_query_ind, y_query_ind)
% begin TT version
% check exists
x_grid_arr; y_grid_arr; func_sym;
% create TT compression
x_grid_arr_tt = tt_tensor(x_grid_arr);
y_grid_arr_tt = tt_tensor(y_grid_arr);
X = tt_meshgrid_vert(x_grid_arr_tt, y_grid_arr_tt);
func_amen = matlabFunction(func_sym, 'Vars', {[x,y]});
f_tt_coarse = amen_cross(X, func_amen, 1e-9, 'nswp', 20);
% use linear interpolation by updating cores
% the number of cores is same as number of dimensions
d = 2;
f_tt = f_tt_coarse;
% do cores manually (code up a for loop later)
% still evaluate func(x=1.35, y=-2.25) = -0.5551
% locate on coarse grid
x_query = 1.35; y_query = -2.25;
x_query_ind = dsearchn(x_grid_arr', x_query); % seems to find the rounded up point, if positive
y_query_ind = dsearchn(y_grid_arr', y_query); % check by looking at grid_arr(query_ind), rounds down if negative
% follow notation in paper: Page 607 of Dolgov et al. TT-IRT
% index for x
i_1 = x_query_ind - 1;
assert((x_grid_arr(i_1) <= x_query) && (x_grid_arr(i_1+1) >= x_query));
% index for y
i_2 = y_query_ind;
assert((y_grid_arr(i_2) <= y_query) && (y_grid_arr(i_2+1) >= y_query));
% compute f_tt(x, y)
% compute unfolding matrix update for x
a_x = ( (x_query - x_grid_arr(i_1)) / (x_grid_arr(i_1+1) - x_grid_arr(i_1)) );
unfold_a_x = reshape(f_tt{1}(:,i_1+1,:), [1 3]);
b_x = ( (x_grid_arr(i_1+1)- x_query) / (x_grid_arr(i_1+1) - x_grid_arr(i_1)) );
unfold_b_x = reshape(f_tt{1}(:,i_1,:), [1 3]);
update_unfold_x = a_x * unfold_a_x + b_x * unfold_b_x;
% compute unfolding matrix update for y
a_y = ( (y_query - y_grid_arr(i_2)) / (y_grid_arr(i_2+1) - y_grid_arr(i_2)) );
unfold_a_y = f_tt{2}(:,i_2+1,:);
b_y = ( (y_grid_arr(i_2+1)- y_query) / (y_grid_arr(i_2+1) - y_grid_arr(i_2)) );
unfold_b_y = f_tt{2}(:,i_2,:);
update_unfold_y = a_y * unfold_a_y + b_y * unfold_b_y;
% result
update_unfold_x * update_unfold_y
Multivariate Integration with Tensor Trains
This section constitutes a tutorial for integrating a multivariate function in MATLAB. The following resources provide an overview of the tensor-train decomposition and integration of multivariate functions.
Furthermore, a highly useful custom library is the TT-Toolbox.
The test example is to use trapezoidal rule to compute:
\(I = \int_0^1\int_0^1\exp\big( \sin(x * y) \big)dxdy\) with stepsizes \(\Delta x = 10^{-3}, \Delta y = 5\times 10^{-4}\). The integral can be computed exactly and should be approximately equal to $1.29885$.
% MATLAB integration
dx = 0.001; dy = 0.0005; % rectangular grid
% create 1d grid
X = 0:dx:1; Y = 0:dy:1;
Nx = length(X); Ny = length(Y);
% meshgrid
[Y_grid, X_grid] = meshgrid(Y,X);
% evaluate function on grid
f_mat = exp(sin(Y_grid.*X_grid));
% surf(X_grid, Y_grid, f_mat);
% trapz from matlab
int_matlab = trapz(dy, trapz(dx, f_mat, 2), 1);
% hard code trapz using weight matrix
wx_1d = zeros(1, Nx)+1*dx; wx_1d(1) = wx_1d(1)/2; wx_1d(end) = wx_1d(end)/2;
wy_1d = zeros(1, Ny)+1*dy; wy_1d(1) = wy_1d(1)/2; wy_1d(end) = wy_1d(end)/2;
% outer product (can also do meshgrid multiply)
[wy, wx] = meshgrid(wy_1d, wx_1d);
W = wx.*wy;
% W = wy_1d'*wy_1d;
int_trap_matrix = sum(sum(W.*f_mat));
% TT integration
xtt = tt_tensor(X);
ytt = tt_tensor(Y);
grid_points = tt_meshgrid_vert(xtt, ytt);
% tt compressed weights
wx_tt = tt_tensor(wx_1d);
wy_tt = tt_tensor(wy_1d);
W_tt_grid = tt_meshgrid_vert(wx_tt, wy_tt);
Weights_tt = amen_cross(W_tt_grid, @(W)prod(W,2), 1e-10, 'nswp', 20);
% approximate f_tt
exp_sin_func = @(X) exp(sin(X(:,1).*X(:,2)));
f_tt = amen_cross(grid_points, exp_sin_func, 1e-10, 'nswp', 20);
% approximate integral
integral_TT = sum(f_tt.*Weights_tt);
Sampling High-Dimensional Probability Distributions
Please find the note here.